It was FAT32 as well according to the info on fdisk. The thing is, I followed this tutorial and created the DOS partition with fdisk and everything. See setup.txt on setup disk 1 or the windows 98 compact disk. Play your pictures and videos in random order : Check the Shuffle contents box. If you have LANtastic server or SuperStor compression, disable it before running setup. You can show only pictures with a particular tag : Type the tag in the With this tag box that is associated with the pictures.ĭisplay only pictures with a particular rating : Click a star rating on the With this rating or higher list.Īpply a slide show theme to your screen saver : Select one from the Use this theme list. Youre almost certainly running 64-bit at this point. The instructions will vary a bit depending on if youre running Windows 10 64-bit, but its pretty much the same. The Settings for the screensaver allows you to further customize the screensaver - I did some poking around on my Windows boxes and got it working on Windows 10. Within it are the tools to turn your pictures into a screensaver.Ĭhoose Screen Saver list, and then select Photos. Vista makes it even easier to organize your photos through the Windows Photo Gallery feature. Select the Screen Saver tab and then drill down to Screen saver - My Pictures Slideshow - Settings.Ĭonfigure the settings according to the options given and your first self made screen saver is ready to roll. Right click anywhere on the desktop to access the Display Properties applet. Arrange your desired screensaver photos in a folder of your choice (or use the default My Pictures folder).